Amanda Martindale

Get to know Amanda

Name : Amanda Martindale
Qualifications: AD Nutritional Medicine, Breathwork Facilitator, Metabolic Balance Practitioner, NLP Practitioner
Home Town: Harvey
Current Location: Bunbury
Favourite Food: Chocolate!
Favourite Band: Oh I have a few…Foo Fighters, Pearl Jam and Powderfinger
Favourite Movie: Point Break

Could you share a personal story or experience that inspired you to become a Nutritionist?
When my daughter was just 2 years old and needed dietary advice for weight gain to be able to have surgery, we were referred to a dietician. The advice provided was very questionable! We didn’t have anyone else in the area that we could get a second opinion from, so I researched and gathered my own information to be able to support her. It was from here that I realised many conditions we seek support with from a GP can actually be treated using food as medicine, and essentially lead me to study Nutritional Medicine

What were some pivotal moments during your education or training that shaped your current approach to medicine?
I hear day in day out first hand how clients feel about not having been heard when seeking medical advice. Holding space for them, and giving them the time they need to express all their concerns, was one of the biggest learnings from uni that separates natural therapists from GPs, who are forced to run tight / short appointment schedules. It takes longer than 15 minutes to get the full picture!

Beyond your formal education, are there any additional learning experiences or continuing education pursuits that have influenced your medical practice?
Training in integrative pathology has fundamentally shaped how I assess patient results. It sheds light on why many clients leave their GP appointments feeling frustrated after being told their results are "normal" despite not feeling well. By delving deeper into their health issues, looking outside the square, and getting to the root cause of their symptoms,  we can provide a more comprehensive and empathetic approach to their care. It’s been a game changer.

How do you stay updated with the latest advancements in your field?
am, what family and friends would say, addicted to learning! I study regularly, completing post graduate courses in specific areas of interest, to gather as much up to date information as I can, and then implement this in my treatment protocols.

Can you discuss a particular area of interest within your specialty that you are passionate about and explain why it matters to you and your patients?
I am a huge fan of anything gut health related. A healthy gut is the cornerstone of health. From hormones, to skin, to digestive issues and mental health, ensuring the gut is working efficiently first and foremost, is paramount for optimal health and wellness. Day in day out, there are studies proving that many disease states stem from poor gut health, so for me, thorough investigations into someone’s digestive function and its inner workings is extremely important when assessing their overall health.

In what ways do you tailor your approach to meet the unique needs of each patient?

Thorough case taking and listening to the clients concerns, and more importantly, how this relates to their goals makes every clients treatment plan individualised. No 2 client’s presentations are exactly the same, so their treatment plans will naturally be different.

Can you share an example of how you’ve gone above and beyond for a patient?

A client presented with a number of hormonal and cognitive issues that she had been struggling with for a long time, yet no one could get to the bottom of what the root cause was. I referred her back to her GP to have some specific hormone blood tests done including one that her GP was reluctant to test for, as he didn’t see the relevance in why I wanted to have it tested. I insisted she have this done and if he wouldn’t request it, that we do this privately for a nominal fee. Turns out the results was extremely elevated and that the client actually had a prolactinoma- a tumour of the pituitary gland! Important info to know! Appropriate medication was then prescribed by her GP to shrink the tumour, and her symptoms have now disappeared.

Are there any achievements or projects in your career that you are particularly proud of?
I recently was accepted to volunteer as a Nutritionist in Fiji, where there currently is a diabetes epidemic. My role is to educate the locals in the villages about the importance of nutrition and the inherent risks that their diet has on diabetes development and progression.

Have you received any feedback or testimonials from patients that have been especially meaningful to you?
Clients often thank me for “changing their life” when in fact all I have done is listen and provide them with the tools for them to achieve their goals. They are the ones who do the hard work, I just guide and support them on their journey.

Can you describe how a new patient can start their journey with you? What steps should they expect?:
We start with an initial consultation which goes through all the body systems, asking detailed questions about how each functions. After the consult, I spend time linking all the systems together to discover how they are all connected, and where the root cause of disfunction is stemming from. A comprehensive report is then created, taking into consideration diet, lifestyle and supplementation recommendations, specific to the clients presenting symptoms. At times functional testing is requested to assist with diagnosis. I work closely with your GP too, and encourage clients to use both complementary and conventional medicine, if needed, so they achieve the best possible health outcome.

Are there any podcasts or blogs that offer insight into your medical philosophy or personal interests?
I love anything by the amazing Jules Galloway and her podcasts Straight Talking Naturopath and LD ADHD, Lara Briden – the hormone genius also has an awesome podcast on all things hormones. Check them both out

“I have always been passionate about sharing my knowledge and interest in nutrition with as many people as I can. Being able to share my knowledge to those in such great need, is an honour.”

- Amanda Martindale

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Seeing patients through Mode Healthcare Australia-wide, and in person in Bunbury WA.